We’ve got big news! This SubVentory update packs a big refresh with some updates to our color scheme, revamped icons, and more! As always, we’ve also made improvements and squashed bugs to make the SubVentory even more awesome. If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• Refreshed color scheme, icons, and more
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve got big news! This SubVentory update packs a big refresh with some updates to our color scheme, revamped icons, and more! As always, we’ve also made improvements and squashed bugs to make the SubVentory even more awesome. If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• Refreshed color scheme, icons, and more
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve got big news! This SubVentory update packs a big refresh with some updates to our color scheme, revamped icons, and more! As always, we’ve also made improvements and squashed bugs to make the SubVentory even more awesome. If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• Refreshed color scheme, icons, and more
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve got big news! This SubVentory update packs a big refresh with some updates to our color scheme, revamped icons, and more! As always, we’ve also made improvements and squashed bugs to make the SubVentory even more awesome. If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• Under Ordering settings, "Add extra amount for" has been renamed to "Safety Stock"
• Safety Stock can now be up to 7 Days
• Safety Stock can now be changed in 0.25 increments
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• Tapping on the item quantity when creating an order now brings up a keypad
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• Added a notification message whenever in Offline Mode
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• Added the ability to view Critical Items when creating a manual order
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• NEW! Forget your access code? You can now add "Recovery Emails" under Account or Location Settings to easily recover your access code
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• NEW: Some options in the main menu (Inventory Items, Menu Items, Containers & Bottles, Generate Barcodes) have moved to the newly added "Configuration" menu selection.
• We've reorganized our Help & Support section to make getting help even easier!
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• Select Location screen now displays restaurant's city to make identifying locations easier
• Default par level can now be applied to all order days
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• Updates to QualityNet workflows in some regions
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more
awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our
support team. Check out what’s new:
• QualityNet now supports international phone numbers
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• Get alerted if you start, but forget to submit a DC order
• View fees if order does not meet DC min
• Auto add/remove items on custom inventory templates
• Better support for catchweight items
• Improvements to sign in if device loses connectivity
• Item images can be hidden
• General bug fixes and improvements
We’ve made improvements and squashed bugs to make SubVentory even more awesome! If you need help or have any suggestions, reach out to our support team. Check out what’s new:
• Menu items can be accessed from inventory screen
• View case price on order details screen
• Locations avail for transfers configurable in settings
• Brand/Manufacturer info is visible on the Order Guide screen
• Explanation is a required field when adding photos to a complaint
• General bug fixes
Delivery: Modified the ordering section to use the order guide pricing instead of the last invoice pricing.
Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
Defects: Crash Fix
Defect: Crash Fix
Delivery: When a delivery is linked to an ASN instead of an electronic invoice, a warning is now displayed.
Inventory Detail: The inventory detail/export view was redesigned and simplified.
Login: When you forget your access code, you can now request it to be emailed from the login screen.
Support: The support chat capability was updated and made easier to access.
Support: When viewing a knowledge base article, attachments can now be viewed using Safari.
Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
Defects: Crash Fixes
Gen Barcodes: Barcodes can be gen in a word format allowing use of 3rd party labels with word templates.
Inv Item: App displays more friendly prod names instead of the DC prod name. Can be customized in settings. / Can override prod descriptions abbreviated by the DC with more descriptive versions. Improved search capability
Settings: When using the store access code, settings that require manager credentials will present a clearer msg.
Bug & Crash Fixes
Defects: Crash Fixes
• Inventory & Delivery Export: All inventory types can now be exported. This feature is also now available from the main home screen as well as from the inventory screen.
• Inventory sync: Better inventory synchronization when multiple devices are used
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
Defect: Ordering Bug Fix
Defect: Fix to Orders content when switching between manual/suggestive when submitting an order.
Suggestive Ordering - Now support adjusted suggested ordering when store hasn't placed an order in a number of weeks.
Defects: Crash Fix
Crash Fixes: Crash when exporting Orders / Crash when filing a complaint.
Inv Exp: Share sheets now allow the export of the inv to variety of apps / Inv csv export now allows both old/newer formats
Printing: When exp & using Open In, user can print
Settings: Impr in copy settings (incl sep inv items from inv items settings)
Sug Ord: More sort opts on order conf screen / When exp an order to email, the orig sort is honored / When exp ord data, orig on hand & sug qty are shown for ref
W/D: Impr to handling of w/d for a better user exp
Defects: Bug/Crash Fixes
• Suggestive Ordering: When the user tries to place a second order for the same delivery day, a warning is now displayed.
• Defects: Bugs and Crash fixes.
Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
Defects: Crash Fix
• Withdrawals: Major improvements were made to the withdrawal flow to improve usability.
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
Defect: Bug Fix
Suggestive Ordering:
-Can now limit how many cases can be ordered on an LTE item based on DC avail .
- Will default now to a reminder for DC orders 2 hours and 30 minutes before the order is due. Reminders will also show on the POS. Can be customized in the order settings area.
-The ordering default filter in the restaurant settings now applies to both Manual & Suggestive orders.
-You can control the default order setting for orders in the restaurant settings.
Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
Defects: Bug Fixes
• Settings: Fixes for Lost Sequences and Disabled State
Crash Fix
• Weekly Inventory: The brand now can tag certain item to be critical to inventory at the end of a week. This is used to better track inventory levels of LTO items and properly forecast demand. You will be reminded to inventory critical items when submitting the inventory.
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
• Inventory Count: You can no longer enter a negative inventory count
• Suggestive Ordering: A restaurant level setting is now available to configure the default filter value on the order screen
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
Surveys: Updated so that Trigger survey check only on first upload of a linked, delivery inventory
Defects: Fixed Product Flag Issue
Defect: Crash and bug fixes
• Suggestive Ordering: A clearer message is presented, when ordering from a DC that does not support direct order submission,
• Suggestive Ordering: DC contact information is now available directly on the orders list screen
• Suggestive Ordering: Length of the comment in a DC order is variable based on what each DC allows
• Suggestive Ordering: In suggestive ordering, allow 2 Hour option for DC Cutoff Alert
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes (primarily in Ordering Area)
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes (Especially focused on Ordering)
• Surveys: Support for Surveys (Part 1 and Part 2 Dev Efforts)
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
• Translation: Improvements in German Language Translations
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes (Predominantly in Ordering)
Defects: Crash Fix
Crash Fixes
• Inventory Export: The inventory email export has been enhanced to produce an Excel spreadsheet with a summary tab and a detailed tab
• Suggestive Ordering: When placing an order, you can now filter for items you have not ordered yet.
• General: You can now use most SubVentory functions without having the agent installed.
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
Defect: Bug Fixes
• Defects: Crash Fixes
Defects: Crash Fixes
Defects: Crash Fix
Defects: Fix for Transfer Invoices not Showing
• Defects: Crash Fix
Defect: Bug Fix
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
• Mixed Products: We are now enabling inventory for mixed products like Chicken Teriyaki.
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
Defects: Bug Fixes
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
• Suggestive Ordering: SV will not allow more than one suggestive order for the same delivery day.
• Suggestive Ordering: When building an order, user can now see items that were disabled from ordering by their DC.
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
•Msg Cntr: SV will present an alert on the home screen if there is an outstanding urg msg
•Cstm Invtry Tmplts: More cntrl over cstm invtry tmplts:
•Siggestive Ord: SV will prevent user from creating ord with a past delivery date.
•Critical Items: SV has a #r of invtry items marked as critical. SV will flag critical items that are not incl in a suggestive order. Can customize which prod are critical (in the rest settings).
•Defects: Bug/Crash Fixes
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
- Custom Inventory Templates: Custom templates are not enabled by default and are taken into consideration in suggestive orders.- Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
Defect: Crash Fixes
• Barcode scan: GS128 barcode scanning accepts now barcodes starting with 02.• Suggestive Ordering: For shops configured for skip day ordering, the app will always schedule the order for the next configured delivery day even if it is the next day. Shops will need to ensure their DC will honor the delivery.• Defects: Many fixes and crashes are addressed in this release.
Bug fixes
• Inventory: Spot Check Feature• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
• Screen Layout: Improvements for Tablets on some of the screen layouts.• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
Bug and Crash Fixes
• Volume Discounts: The app now knows about any volume discounts your DC offers and will notify you when appropriate. This can be disabled in the settings.• NEW/Modified OG Items: When items are modified or added to the Order Guide, they are now marked with a star. The settings provide some control over this feature.• Warning Configuration Report: Various improvements to the configuration warning report.• Defects: Many, many (and yes many) fixes are in this release...
• Ui Changes for the order review and confirmation screens• Defects: Bug Fixes
Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
- Added a setting to limit the number of cases that can be ordered for a product- Added setting to limit the total value of an order- Users can easily switch between a suggestive order and a manual/add-on order- When a suggestive order has been placed but not delivered yet, any new orders are defaulted to an add-on order- Users can digitally sign an order to confirm that it has been reviewed before being submitted- Many fixes and crashes were fixed
- Performance improvements when creating an order- Defects, Bugs and Crash fixes
Bug and Crash Fixes
• Price Summary - Price Summary view export: When exporting the inventory from the price summary view, the app will now consolidate the inventory for the same item in different locations into the same row• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
Crash Fixes
Fixed a problem in configuration mixed data for products having "other" product measure (i.e.: 1/3 container).
Crash and Bug Fixes
• Transition to new DC: Smoother support for when the primary DC is transitioned to a new one• Defects: Bug and Crash Fixes
• Withdrwls: On home screen, the app will auto change focus to the withdrwls if there is an outstanding withdrwl. If outstanding withdrwl, the Start & Update button will show in red.• Suggestive Ordering: The app will now update its DC config before any new orders are created.• Voice Recognition: The app provides support for voice recognition when In the Inventory List View. You will need to turn it on in settings for the microphone displayed on that view.• Defects: Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Crash Fix
The app now supports fingerprint authentication
Bug Fix
• Chat Support• Bug Fixes
Crash Fixes
• Week-Ending Inventory: The list view for the week-ending inventory now provides the ability to group the inventory items by location.• Defects: This release includes several fixes.
Bug and performance fixes
Bug and performance fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes .
Bug and Crash Fixes
Bug and Crash Fixes